Two Success Stories from Indian Literacy Project (ILP)

This writeup was received from Mr Rangarajan Ganesan who work at IIT Madras. Mr Rangarajan is also associated with Indian Literacy Project, a group doing excellent socially relevant work in the area of rural education and literacy. Here are two remarkable instances of individuals who have achieved success in life with assistance from ILP.

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Welcome to the Rise – Lead – Serve Blog!!!

This blog is dedicated to all the young individuals out there who are trying to find a foothold in the world and figure out the all-important question of CAREER! career_question

The career question is not an easy one. We agree. And it is often made even more complicated with free advice flowing from all and sundry. Parents, siblings, friends, teachers, uncles, aunts – nearly everyone in the world - except you - know how exactly you should go about seeking a great career. “Get your math fundas straight.” “Learn programming languages.” “Take machine learning courses.” “Go to Shiva temple everyday” “Get a taveez!!!”

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